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Follow Your Career Dreams

If you feel a great desire for a change or experience a lack of motivation in the professional field, ask yourself the following questions;

Am I growing at my current job? Is it about the company and the environment or the profession? What truly matters to me when it comes to my professional life?

Answers to these questions can lead to important life decisions.

Most of the day we spend at work. At least 8 hours a day. A lot! Now think of how much time is that in terms of an average work span of approx. 40 years.

With age and experience, we change and become more aware of our needs and desires. Flashbacks from our youth may show up, and we remember our dreams of what we wanted to be and do, but some circumstances messed up our plans and changed our path.

You may think, now it's too late for a giant leap and you seek excuses to stay where you are. I want to remind you that the change you want is possible. There is only one obstacle between your current situation and the destination you want to reach: your DECISION.

Deciding to change the company is challenging and requires much effort but changing your profession is even more because you start building a new career from scratch.


If a new profession has stuck in your head and you cannot stop thinking about it, I listed below 5 crucial steps that helped me clear my doubts;

  1. How passionate are you about this new profession? How would this profession affect your life in general? Brainstorm and list all the Pros and Cons, intrinsic and extrinsic values. If you conclude that changing your profession is necessary and beneficial in the long run, move to step 2.

  2. Read, investigate and talk to people already in that business to gain more first-hand insights and knowledge about whether you envision yourself doing that job.

  3. Suppose you are still sure you are going in the right direction: Set your goals and plan, and have a strategy in place—all in writing on paper or in your notebook. Set milestones to measure your progress. Often I say if it's not on paper, it doesn't exist. What your mind can see & visualize can create & manifest.

  4. If possible, take a more extended break (vacation) or a sabbatical leave and start educating yourself in that new field (choose schools or institutes wisely. They will later give you the certification)

  5. If you enjoyed step 4 and see your future in this new profession, it's time to fully embark on your new journey! Stay focused on your macro goal and Go for it!

Remark: Before taking any considerable step, don't rush and take as much time as you need. These are big and important decisions to make. From my personal experience, I dare to say life-changing!

During our life, we can perform very well or excellently at different jobs in more than one profession. Many people discover that one profession resonates more with their core values and gives them meaning.

How to make then the right choice?

Close your eyes and look within. How do you feel about each profession emotionally and mentally? Do you find a sense of purpose in one of them? Write down all the emotions and thoughts and why that specific profession is important to you. Does it bring out the best in you?


If your goal is to grow at your current company, try to identify the skillset needed to take the next step up the company ladder. Work on those skills because knowledge and expertise build your self-confidence and courage to take action and achieve results. On the other hand, if you would like to continue doing the same job but change the company, choose the company culture that is aligned with your core values.

In both cases, refer to step 3 mentioned above, a section written in bold. Without a clear vision, you can hardly make any significant progress.

"Working hard for something we don't care about is called STRESS,

Working hard for something we love is called PASSION."

Simon Sinek

When you are at a turning point, know that you can always seek professional help. I did, and it made such a huge difference.

During any transition period in your life, a coach can assist you in defining your goals, setting a plan, finding the shortcuts that suit you best, and giving you guidelines on how to tackle challenges more efficiently and faster.

Ask yourself at the end of the day: Do I take action on the things that matter to me? When you don't, you choose to play small.

Instead, choose to play big! Choose to FOLLOW YOUR DREAMS!


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